General Rules and Regulations
General Rules
1) The following rules are effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025.
2) Any questions or issues regarding the rules should be discussed with GNSS officials.
3) Entry fees will be required at each series event. Payment of this entry fee is required to
participate in competition.
4) Anytime a car is on the track, a spotter is required. The spotter must have dedicated two-way
communications with the driver.
5) Spotters are required to monitor race control. FREQUENCY: #468.86240
6) GNSS reserves the right to eject any owner, driver, or crew member for actions detrimental to
the series. In addition, a subsequent fine may be levied against the responsible parties prior to
allowing them to compete in the series.
7) All rules and interpretations of rules are subject to GNSS officials. GNSS reserves the right to amend, add, delete, or modify any of these rules. The Director of Competition shall have the final say on any legality issues.
And with a signed Minors Release.
2) GNSS reserves the right to revoke the right of competition to any individual.
Display of numbers and sponsors
1) All cars must have door numbers and roof numbers that are clearly visible to the stands and
scoring tower. No reflective or foil type numbers allowed. The numbers must be a high contrast
in color to the color of the car. No duct tape numbers.
2) Driver names required right and left on the roof above the passenger door area.
3) GNSS requires that the following areas be reserved for series sponsors and advertisement:
a) A post area forward to the headlight portion of the nose.
b) B post area from the edge of the roof to the top of the door seal.
c) Top of Windshield
4) Crew members and drivers required to dress appropriately with clean and neat clothing.
5) Car and team sponsors must not include in profanity or obscenity.
Race Procedures
1) All cars are required to go through technical inspection on the day of the event and prior to qualifying. Any items found not in compliance with the rules are required to be fixed prior to qualifying.
2) Drivers Meeting / General:
a) The driver, crew chief, and spotter are required to attend a mandatory “driver” meeting
on the day of the event.
b) Any rules or announcements made at the “drivers” meeting super cede the rules and
guidelines printed here.
c) All cars will qualify for the start of the race.
d) All race procedures for that event will be discussed at the meeting.
3) Qualifying:
a) All cars will be given two laps of qualifying and one "dead lap."
b) All cars will qualify in race ready conditions.
c) The field will be ranked from the fastest to the slowest qualifier. If two cars run
identical times, the car that ran the time first will receive the higher qualifying position.
d) After qualifying the inversion will be randomly chosen between 6-8 by pill draw. The
second race, the inversion will be randomly selected again by pill draw and will be based
off finishers of the first race.
e) If qualifying is not available or is rained out, the field will start by points with the
current point’s leader being listed as the pole winner. No points will be awarded.
f) If a car is not able to make a qualifying attempt, but is entered and present at the race,
that car will receive last place points based on the number of cars starting the race.
g) GNSS reserves the right to add cars to the starting field at each event.
4.Race Procedures
a) Drivers will start the race according to the qualifying procedure above.
b) If a driver is not present at the autograph session or for driver introduction, they will
start at the rear of the field.
c) No changes of drivers allowed without advanced consent of GNSS.
d) A qualified car may be driven in any event by an eligible GNSS driver. However, if a
driver change is made during the event, the driver starting the event will receive all points
and posted awards. The driver qualifying the car must start the race. Second Driver goes to the rear.
e) Cars will start the race in a double file format.
f) If there is a caution before the first lap is completed, the cars involved in the caution
will relinquish their position and restart at the rear of the field. The race will line up by
starting position without the cars involved in the caution in a double file format.
g) The flagman will start the race, NOT the competitors.
h) If a caution flag is displayed, all cars must slow down to a safe and cautious speed
immediately. The cars will proceed in a single file format behind the pace car in the
position they were running on the track at the last completed green flag lap. Lap cars will
hold their position in the field until the one to go signal.
i) The restart position of each car will revert back to the last completed green flag lap.
j) Caution laps will not count. Only green flag laps will count.
k) If there is a discrepancy between competitors regarding a position, they are to
cautiously proceed side by side under caution until notified by the flagman or race control
of their position.
l) All cars involved in the caution regardless of fault will relinquish their position and go
to the tail of the field.
m) In the event that a car spins another car and causes a caution, the car that was spun
will go to the rear of the field. If the car causing the spin was deemed intentional and with
malice, that car will start at the rear of the field, not the rear of the lead lap cars. All other
cars involved that are on the lead lap will line up at the tail end of the lead lap cars, or tail
of the field if they are one or more laps down. If you bring out the caution for any reason
you will restart at the rear of the field not the lead laps cars.
n) If cars choose to pit during a caution, they will relinquish their current position and
return to the field at the rear. If they are on the lead lap, they will be allowed to advance
to the last car on the lead lap. If they are 1 or more laps down, they will go to the rear of
the field.
o) The field will be given the one to go sign and will go back to green flag racing on the
next lap. When the one to go sign is displayed, all cars must select the lane they want to
restart in at the start/finish line and advance to the car ahead of them. The lap cars will
line up behind the lead lap cars in the position they were running on the track, not by
their position in the race. Lap cars have the option of starting in double file as well, but
must not advance any lead lap cars.
p) All subsequent restarts will take place at the designated restart area of the track and
will be controlled by the current race leader. The leader may not start the race until they
are in the designated restart area. If the leader passes through the restart area and does not
start, the flagman will restart the race. Penalty for jumping the start will be a black flag
and a stop and go penalty.
q) No passing before crossing the start finish line. Failure to comply will result in a stop
and go penalty.
r) A Blue flag with a line indicates that slower cars are being overtaken by the leaders. If
this flag is displayed to you, you are allowed to race the leaders as normal until you are a
lap down. After you are a lap down, you must adhere to the flag and move to the top of
the track and allow the leaders to pass. Failure to abide by this flag will result in a black
flag for a stop and go penalty.
s) The black flag means go to the pits immediately and report to an official. Once the
penalty or mechanical issue is fixed you are eligible to return to competition.
t) If a red flag is displayed, all competitors will stop on the race track as designated by
GNSS officials.
u) GNSS races will not end under caution. The race is not over until the leader receives
the checkered flag.
v) If a caution is displayed within the last three laps of a race, the field will restart double
file with three laps to go. The laps will be Green, Green, White, and then Checkered. This
format will continue until the race finishes under a green flag scenario.
w) The race is over when the leader takes the checkered flag. All other cars will finish the
race in the same lap.
x) The top three finishers will be directed to the designated area or starting line for
interviews. They will remain with GNSS officials for further inspection until released by
GNSS officials.
y) Crew members may not go out on the racing surface during competition, caution, or a
red flag condition. If so, they will be disqualified from the event and may face additional
fines from the series.
z) If an event is delayed due to weather, accident, or other uncontrollable events and is
not able to resume. The race will be considered official if 50% or more of the race is
complete. If so, the finishing order will be based on the last completed green flag lap.
aa) Any driver who does not obey the flags or GNSS officials will be disqualified from
the event.
bb) Any driver intentionally causing an accident or yellow flag condition is subject to lap
penalties, disqualification, and/or fines depending on the severity of the situation.
cc) Should an event be canceled for reasons beyond our control after check in. The
following will apply to the day’s events.
a) All teams signed in at the race will receive start money. And 40 points
b) Should a race be started and stopped before halfway and not restarted, drivers
will be awarded points for the position they were running in on the last completed
green flag lap plus start money.
5) Pit Stops:
a) The series will not have required pit stops.
b) If a car needs to pit during the race, they are allowed. Pit road will be designated at
each event.
c) Cars must adhere to a safe pit road speed while on pit road. This speed is not to exceed
the pace car speed.
d) No tire changes allowed unless a tire is flat as a result of competition. If a tire is
changed, the tire that was changed will be subject to inspection by a GNSS official. Any
additional tires used during the race, must be a used tire.
e) Cars that do pit will return to the race as soon as their work is completed. If this is
under a green flag situation, they are required to yield to the other competitors and re-
enter the racing surface in a cautious and yielding way. If the pit stop is under caution,
they will return to the track behind the last car running on the track. If they are on the
lead lap, they will restart as the last car on the lead lap. Except if serving a penalty. They
are not allowed to blend into traffic. They may not advance the pace car at any time
without consent of GNSS officials. Caution laps will not count and cars cannot be lapped
in the pits except under a green flag situation.
1) Any member who performs an act or participates in an act that is detrimental to GNSS
or auto racing. $1000 fine and possible suspension or indefinite suspension.
2) Any car found with traction control: minimum $5000 fine and indefinite suspension.
3) Any person who threatens to or harms an GNSS official. Minimum fine of $2500
possible suspension or indefinite suspension.
4) Any person signed in the event caught consuming or under the influence of alcohol or
drugs will be suspended for the event and fined $500.
5) Any person participating in a fight at the track or on track premises will face a fine of
$1000 and possible suspension or indefinite suspension.
6) Any person who commits an assault with a weapon at the track or on the track
premises will face a fine of $1000 and indefinite suspension.
7) Any member who refuses post-race inspection or tear down will face a fine of $1000,
loss of purse money, and disqualification from the event.
8) Any member refusing to surrender confiscated illegal parts will face a fine of $500,
loss of purse money, and disqualification from the event.
9) Any use of unauthorized tires will face a fine of $250 per tire and disqualification from
the event.
10) Any car found starting the race on unauthorized tires will face a fine of $1000 and
disqualification from the event.
Race Procedure Penalties
1) “To Rear of the field”
a) Wrecking another competitor or causing a caution and the accident is deemed
b) Under caution, if you are told to go to a position by race control, you will be
placed at the tail end of the longest line.
2) “Stop and Go”
a) Failure to line up correctly for a restart.
b) Passing before Start/Finish on restart.
c) Jumping the restart.
3) “Lap/Laps Penalty”
a) Unauthorized passing of the pace car.
b) Causing an intentional yellow flag by stopping on the race track.
c) Failure to obey flags.
4) “Black Flag / DQ / Other”
a) Working on the car on the racing surface.
b) Ignoring the black flag for 3 laps.
c) Rough or reckless driving.
d) Equipment problems.
e) Failure to obey the move over flag.
GNSS Points and Awards
2025 Points per Race
1 st 150 17 th 70
2 nd 145 18 th 65
3 rd 140 19 th 60
4 th 135 20 th 55
5 th 130 21 st 50
6 th 125 22 nd 45
7 th 120 23 rd 40
8 th 115 24 th 35
9 th 110 25 th 30
10 th 105 26 th 25
11 th 100 27 th 20
12 th 95 28 th 15
13 th 90 29 th 10
14 th 85 30 th 5
15 th 80
16 th 75
Bonus Points Program
Lap Leader – Five bonus points awarded to each driver who leads at least one lap.
Most Laps Lead – Five bonus points awarded to the driver that leads the most laps.
Halfway Leader – Five bonus points awarded to the driver that leads at the halfway
point of the race.
Pole Award – Five bonus points awarded to top qualifier at each event. In the event that
qualifying is canceled, no points will be awarded. $100 award to the fast qualifier of
the event.
Longest Tow - $200 to the farthest tow.
25 Bonus Points will be awarded to each competitor following every 4 th event
completed consecutively. Provided they have completed those 4 events.
End of the Year Awards
GNSS will offer an end of the year point’s purse based on the season ending point’s standings.
The purse will be structured as followed
1st $3500 6 th $1200
2 nd $2500 7 th $1150
3rd $2000 8 th $1100
4th $1500 9 th $1050
5th $1250 10 th $1000
Rookie of the Year Program – This is an honorary award. The auxiliary board will vote on the
person to receive this award. $500 Award for the Rookie of the Year.
A “Mulligan Race “ will allow Driver/ Team to discard their worst single event as to not effect
their point standings. All events are subject to approval by GNSS officials.
Technical rules and regulations
Eligible Vehicles
All cars/makes /models from the top tier series are welcome to race in our series. No Trucks.
Ford / Chevrolet / Toyota / Dodge
Cars which are similar in style that have been or are being phased out by other racing series may be allowed to race with only minor changes. GNSS will make every attempt to be inclusive, rather than exclusive, however, maintaining fair and level competition as well as the integrity of the existing rules platform will have priority.
5 Critical Rules that are checked before Qualifying at EVERY Venue.
1) Weight – 3200 lbs. with driver, 54% left side weight maximum. 50% nose weight
minimum. Cars must go directly from the scales to the qualifying line. If you are light
before qualifying you must add weight and return to the scales before qualifying. ZERO
tolerance for left side weight and nose weight.
2) Tread Width – 77 inches OUTSIDE TO OUTSIDE
3) Carburetor – See below
4) Restrictor – See below
1) All cars must have complete bodies, hoods, fenders, and bumpers in working order. FENDERS MUST COVER TIRES.
2) Front and rear windshields allowed. Minimum two vertical braces required both front and
rear. Both windows must be braced so that they do not move or vibrate while in competition.
3) Steel or flat fiberglass hoods allowed. No hood scoops. Hood hinges and minimum four hood
pins required. Hoods must be self-supporting.
4) Clear rear spoiler MANDATORY. Maximum size is 6 1/2” tall by 57” long. Minimum
angle is 45 degrees. Spoiler must be mounted within 1 inch of center line of the car.
5) One a-post window allowed per side. Maximum size is 7” tall by 11” long.
6) Bumpers must be strong enough to push the vehicle
7) Rear view mirror is optional. Side view mirrors are optional but must not extend beyond the
A-post portion of the roll cage.
Engine/Carburetor/Restrictor Combination
1. D3 Ford / 830 CFM / 1.300 Restrictor
2. SE1 Ford / 830 CFM / 1.300 Restrictor
3. SB2 Chevrolet / 830 CFM / 1.300 Restrictor
4. Phase 9 TRD / 830 CFM / 1.300 Restrictor
5. Phase 11 TRD / 830 CFM / 1.300 Restrictor
6. R-5 Dodge / 830 CFM / 1.300 Restrictor
7. 18 Degree / 750 CFM
8. 23 Degree / 750 CFM
9. CT 525 / 830 CFM / No Restrictor
10. K&N LS Motor / 830 CFM / No Restrictor
11. ARCA ILLMORE EFI Restrictor 1.125
Any other engine must be approved prior to competition. PLEASE reach out before you
travel to the racetrack so we can approve you for competition.
Chevrolet RO7, Ford FR9, TRD Phase 14 and 16 WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.
Engine must comply with GNSS rules. Manufacturer crossover allowed.
1) Engine must be mounted on non-adjustable motor mounts.
2) The engine must be centered within +/-1/2” in the frame rails and maintain a minimum ground
height of 10” as measured at the center of the crankshaft at the front of the motor.
3) Set back carburetor to bottom windshield
Pro Cup 8" x 1"
ARCA - K&N Cup - ALL OTHERS 12"x1"
Air Cleaner/ Air Filter
1) All air to the carburetor must pass through an air filter. All openings to the element must be
rear facing.
2) The top and bottom housing of the breather must be solid. The breather can be shielded in the
front half. No more than 50% of the housing can be shielded. The maximum overall diameter of
the housing is 18 inches.
1) The Holley 750, 4-barrel carburetor is permitted.
2) Any 830 CFM, 4-barrel carburetor is permitted.
3) Screws on butterflies may be cut flush with shaft, heads must remain standard.
4) Base plate must remain standard.
Cylinder Block
1) Steel blocks only, Exception LS motor (example K&N motor) and CT 525.
2) Maximum engine displacement is 400 CID.
1) Steel or cast iron production design crankshafts allowed. May not be lightened, or modified.
May be balanced. Stroke must be between 3.46 and 3.52”. No knife edging allowed. Minimum
crankshaft weight with the timing chain sprocket is 50 lbs.
2) Only steel, elastomer type harmonic balancers allowed.
3) Tungsten may be added to the crankshaft to achieve minimum weight.
1) Aluminum three ring pistons only. All rings must be in place.
2) Solid mild steel rods only. No other material allowed.
3) Minimum/Maximum rod lengths:
a) GM 5.70 - 6.250”
b) Ford 5.954 - 6.250”
c) Chrysler 6.00 - 6.250”
Rocker Arms / Lifters / Camshaft
1) Steel camshaft only. May be gear or belt driven.
2) Steel lifters only. Hydraulic or solid lifters allowed. Roller lifters allowed. Rev Kit allowed.
3) Maximum valve lift is .625” measured at the valve. Valve lift is measured at zero lash.
4) Only straight barrel lifters allowed. GM and Ford maximum diameter is .875” and Chrysler is
5) Aluminum or Steel rockers allowed. Shaft or independent mounting allowed. GM and Ford
may have independent single stud type rockers.
6) Manufacturer crossover allowed.
1) Exhaust pipe maximum diameter is 3 ½”. Must extend beyond the driver an exit out either the
right or left side of the car or both. Must exit in front of the rear wheels.
Transmission / Drive shaft
1) Transmission must be a 4-speed production transmission with all gears working. No
automatics. Single lever shifters only. Fire boot required over shifter opening. Tex T10, Saginaw,
T101, and SR1 transmissions allowed.
2) One piece steel ONLY drive shaft required. Minimum diameter permitted is 3”. Two ¼” x 2” steel drive shaft loops required. No aluminum carbon fiber.
Rear Ends
1) Quick Change or 9” ford style rear ends allowed.
2) Only Detroit locker ratchet style differentials allowed.
3) Steel tubes only.
4) Solid steel axles only.
5) Cambered drive flanges allowed.
Cooling System
1) Radiator must be mounted is standard location. Radiators with inner-coolers allowed.
2) Radiator catch can is required. Must be mounted in front of the front firewall.
3) OEM style water pumps only.
4) NO antifreeze.
5) No panning the underside of the vehicle. Radiator duct work may not extend beyond the sides
of the radiator to the grill opening on the nose.
Oil System
1) Either wet or dry sump oiling system allowed. If using a dry sump, the tank must be isolated from the driver’s compartment.
2) Engine oil coolers allowed. May be enclosed in the radiator.
Ignition System
1) Distributor must mount is stock location and maintain original firing order. No crank trigger
or adjustable timing equipment, magnetos, or computers allowed.
2) MSD 6ALN or Crane HI-6N ignition amplifiers only. This unit must be used as originally
manufactured with no modifications whatsoever. The boxes must have a working rev control
plug-in module. Must have a 6-pin female connector attached to the output leads (MSD#8170).
3) The maximum allowed RPM at any time is 8000 RPM.
4) Chips and boxes will be checked and inspected by series officials. Your chip or box is subject
to inspection or substitution at any time.
5) Electrical boxes are suggested to be mounted on the right-side dash area. At a minimum, they
must be mounted on the RS of the car and out of the reach of the driver.
6) Battery must be mounted in an enclosed box outside of the driver’s compartment. Only one
12V battery allowed. Battery box may not extend beyond the outside of the frame rails.
7) All electrical switches must be mounted so they are visible to all. Must be clearly and
correctly labeled.
8) No electronic traction control allowed.
9) No on-board computers or recording devices allowed.
10) Starter must be in working order.
11) Entire wiring harness must be visible. Wiring harness must be easily removable for
Fuel System
1) Foam filled bladder NASCAR type fuel cell with 22-gauge steel container required.
2) Fuel cell must be mounted with minimum 8” clearance.
3) A 1” x 1” steel square tubing cradle, two lengthwise and two crosswise are required
completely around the fuel cell.
4) At a minimum, the rear trunk area should be floored and sealed off in full from the rear
firewall to the leading edge of the fuel cell so that spilled fuel cannot contact the brake rotors or suspension pieces.
5) Must have a check ball or flapper style fuel assembly to prevent leakage in a roll-over.
6) Cars may be equipped with a dry brake type fuel fill or fuel cap style fuel fill in the left rear
quarter panel area.
7) A fuel overflow vent tube is required in the left rear tail light area of the car.
8) All cars must have fuel shutoff device at fuel cell.
1) Operating four-wheel disc brakes required at all times. Steel rotors only. Standard aluminum mounting hats permitted. A maximum of (2) 3” brake hoses permitted from the nose to spindle duct. One additional 3” brake hose may be directed to the inside of the right front tire to cool the bead.
No carbon fiber brakes and No Carbon Fiber Rotors.
2) Proportioning valves allowed.
3) Brake fans allowed in the front and rear.
1) Fenders are 80" outside to outside. Tread Width is 78" outside to outside.
2) Steel or aluminum spacers allowed.
3) Wheelbase is 105” or 110”
4) Maximum one shock per wheel.
5) No coil over shocks.
6) All rear shocks and springs must mount inside the frame rail.
7) Gas pressured shocks permitted. No external reservoirs or remote adjusters.
8) A-frames must be steel.
9) Mono ball type mounts only.
10) Strut suspensions allowed.
11) Rear sway bars allowed.
12) Grand National or Nextel Cup style steel hubs required. No aluminum hubs. 5x5 bolt pattern
13) Forged spindles only.
14) No hollowing of the spindles or snouts.
15) Forged steel steering arms only.
16) Steel sway bar required.
17) Steel front sway bar arms required. May be mounted to heims or with a floater pad.
18) No coil-over springs allowed.
19) Rear suspension must be a coil spring type mounted on axle or trailing arms inside the frame.
20) Rear axles must be held laterally by a steel Panhard bar. The Panhard bar must be
nonadjustable while in competition.
21) Trailing arms must be one piece non-adjustable with no sliding, hydraulic, or spring-loaded mounting points or links.
22) No 3 links-Truck Arms Only. Min. Length 45" Maximum 51"
1) Frame requirements as follows:
a) Frames and sub-frames must be symmetrical (+/-) ½”. All construction must be safe,
professional, and acceptable to GNSS officials.
b) Main side rails must be a minimum of 3” x 4” with a minimum wall thickness of
c) Front and rear sub-frames must be a minimum of 2” in width and 3” in height with a
minimal wall thickness or .083”.
d) The front sub frame must be a minimum of 29” inside to inside at the steering box.
e) Maximum width at the rear of the engine is 34”.
f) All steering suspension must attach to the sub-frame.
g) All rear sub-frames must pass over the rear end and down to the fuel cell area.
h) All rear suspension mounting points must mount to the sub-frame.
i) A 2” x 2” cross member must be a minimum thickness of .090”. This cross member
must be used to support the rear trailing arm mounts. The mounting points may not be
offset from center of the main frame.
j) All ballast rails must weld to the main frame rails. They may not be drilled or
lightened. Interior mounted lead rails near the drive shaft/trailing arm area must be
welded to the frame and be a minimum of 3” x 4” x .120”.
2) Roll bar requirements as follows
a) Cage: Must be symmetrical with no offset +/- ½”.
b) All bars in reach of the driver must be padded with flame retardant padding.
c) All interior driver compartment bars must maintain a minimum size of 1 ¾” OD and a
minimum wall thickness of .090”.
d) All door bars on the driver side should be plated with 1/8” steel plate. This plate must
extend vertically from the bottom of the door bar and laterally from the front roll bar to
the main roll bar. It is permissible to weld inserts or 1/8” steel plating between the bars
rather than one solid plate.
1) All cars are subject to safety inspection at all times. With regards to safety, the decision of the GNSS officials is final regardless of the rule book.
2) Quick release steering wheel required.
3) No rack and pinion style steering permitted.
4) Power steering is allowed.
5) On board fire extinguisher required. Must be charged. Activation of fire system must be
readily available to the driver when he/she is fully strapped in.
6) A kill switch is required. Must be mounted in the center of the vehicle and clearly marked
“on”/ “off”.
7) Helmets and fire suits required any time the car is on the track.
a) Minimum Snell 2000 allowed on helmets.
b) Minimum 2-layer fire suit required.
c) Driver fire proof gloves required anytime the car is on the track.
d) Fireproof shoes required when car is on the racetrack.
8) Full complete fireproof underwear is highly recommended.
9) Seats and seat belts
a) Seat belts must be a minimum of 2” wide webbing.
b) Minimum 5-point harness.
c) Belts must fasten to steel seat frame or roll cage.
d) Belts must be in working order and not be frayed or dried out. Must appear in good
e) Only aluminum seats permitted and must have sufficient body protection, padded leg
braces, and a sturdy padded head rest.
f) If drivers do not use a sturdy left side head rest that will not bend under stress, they are
required to run an additional interior triangle LS head net.
10) Window nets are required. Must be solidly mounted to the roll cage. Quick disconnect
required at the top front corner of the net. No string style nets permitted.
11) Head and neck restraint device required any time the car is on the track. Hans or Hutchins device is recommended. All other devices require the approval of a GNSS official.
Tires and Wheels
1) 9.5” or 10” rim width, 5x5 bolt pattern, 15” diameter steel rims allowed. One inch lug nuts
required. Minimum thickness of wheel stud is .625”. No bleeders or air relief systems allowed.
2) Tires qualified on will be the tires required to be used for the remainder of the event. These tires will be stamped before qualifying.
3) If a tire is severely damaged, you must replace the damaged tire with a used one. If a tire is replaced with a new tire, you will be disqualified from the entire event and receive no money and not points.
4) Tread width 77 inches OUTSIDE TO OUTSIDE
1) All cars must weigh a minimum of 3200 pounds total with driver.
2) Left side percentage 54.0% maximum. NO TOLERANCE.
2A) Nose weight 50.0% minimum. NO TOLERANCE.
3) A ten-pound overall weight break will be given. 10.1 or more lbs. underweight will result in a
DQ after the feature races. If light, you will be credited with no points and no money for that
race. ZERO tolerance for left side weight and nose weight
4) Cars may add fuel and fluids after the race to reach minimum weight.
5) In the event that a car is damaged, the competitors will be allowed to place any parts that were
removed on the car to reach minimum weight.
6) All ballast must be painted white with the correct car number clearly marked on each piece of
7) No weight allowed lower than the frame rails or sub-frame rails. If a car loses lead during
competition, that car will be credited with last place in the race.
8) NO weight shifting devices allowed at any time.
9) If a weight penalty is assessed on a vehicle for rules violations deemed to provide a
competitive advantage, then 100% of the weight penalty must be applied to the Right-side total
weight of the vehicle.
TIRES as of 09/03/23 The tires ONLY allowed to compete with GNSS features are American Racer Tires.